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About the department

The Department of Mechanical and Power Engineering is one of the largest and oldest departments of the College. It has been in existence since the establishment of the Higher Industrial Institute in the late 1960s and before its transformation to the College of Engineering and Technology in the 1970s. The department was a division in the major of mechanical engineering and then became a separate department in the 1990s. The department receives increasing number of students to enroll in it and enjoys an increase in the number of postgraduate students. The department has a group of teaching staff who are distinguished by their diversity and abundance of majors. All of them received their master from distinguished international universities in the United States, Europe, Japan, Russia, Spain and Egypt. The department accepts annually between 50 - 100 students and begins specialization in the department immediately after the pre – year. The power and energy engineer is responsible for dealing with and improving all traditional, new and renewable power generation systems by determining their efficiency. The mechanical and power engineer has the ability to design and select various systems related to the energy field. This is in addition to the ability (based on the theoretical principals) to search for new sources of energy and to exploit the natural resources of the environment to benefit from them for this purpose.

The department vision

The department seeks to be a distinguished educational and research program that builds a graduate that keeps up with a rapid scientific developments and modern technology and contributes to the service of society and restore its confidence in it.

The department Mission

The department is committed to preparing a qualified engineer with good education, a strong background in concepts and depth in the analysis of parallel competition in the labor market, while strengthening the scientific method of problem solving and performance analysis as well as the acquisition of professional ethics.


- The department aims to prepare an engineer who is concerned with everything related to energies (traditional, new and renewable) and transfers from one image to another. - Prepare the basic engineer in all power plants ((hydraulic or hydraulic as in High Dam, steam or thermal as in Shubra Al Khaimah, gaseous as in krimat, solar and wind power as in Krimat and Zafarana). - Prepare a designer and analyst engineer to cooling and air conditioning systems as well as air conditioning systems and their applications in housing, institutions, airports, transportation, tunnels, etc. - Prepare a designer and analyst engineer to drinking water and natural gas networks. - Responsible for internal and external combustion systems, improving efficiency and controlling environmental impact. - Responsible for designing and improving the performance of pumps, compressors and fans of all types. - Has a fundamental and vital role in the construction and operation of seawater desalination plants in different ways. - Has the ability to analyze and improve the performance of turbines, boilers, heat exchangers, solar heaters, solar cells and all components of power systems. - Always be ready to innovate and search for sources of energy and analyze these sources in quantity and quality. - To have the ethics of the profession of lack of perseverance and honesty and sincerity in the performance of his work are the keys to success - The study system: The Department of Mechanical Power Engineering is interested in studying all related to energy of its forms and methods of conversion and means of generation. The study in the department shall be four years of study in the two-semester system and the student shall specialize in the department after the preparatory year of the college. In the first years, the student studies many specialized subjects in addition to some advanced basic sciences of physics, chemistry, mechanics, thermodynamics and computer use. The study in the department in recent years includes three main areas of specialization: ● Thermal machines including turbines, heat and mass transfer, heat exchangers, refrigeration units, air conditioning, engine design and new and renewable energy systems such as solar and wind power. ● Fluid mechanics, hydraulic and turbine machinery, hydraulic power transmission circuits and pipe network design. ● Combustion systems, which include internal combustion engines and external combustion furnaces. The department also provides a wide scope for further in-depth in these areas through optional materials distributed over the final two years as well as through the graduation project in the final year of the department.